Thursday, August 14, 2014

Be a Word Building Wizard!

Sight words! We need them to help kids with all aspects of literacy. But learning them can be quite a chore for some. So why not give it an extra dimension?

You can use it with any set of sight words! Or use the ones I have included as they are a good size to put on the mat. I made multiple copies onto different colours of paper so that each student has their own set to work with AND there wouldnt be a set of words which at the end has 3 'the' know what I am talking about! You also need some magnetic letters/letter tiles and a whiteboard marker.
So let's make some words! Choose and word and put in the box. Read it!

Now let's build it! Find the magnetic letters to make the word. Encourage more repetition of the word.

Now it's time to write. Making connections to words is so important so the 3 types of practice will (hopefully) help kids understand the words better and have better recall of them next time. Plus it is a fun way to practice!

Click any of the pictures to go and grab them in my TPT store.

1 comment:

  1. This is super cute! I have done an activity very similar to this... I did it around the table so they would move from one word to the next and each write in a different color so I could then see who struggled printing different words. Do you pull the letters they need ahead of time? Or leave all letters out for them to choose from?
